Below is a partial list of the most commonly used Fair Political Practices Commission campaign disclosure forms and a brief explanation of the appropriate usage.







Statement of Organization & Termination. For use by all recipient committees which receive contributions of $1,000 or more. Must be filed within 10 days of receiving $1,000 or more and may be filed prior to receiving $1,000. Upon receipt, the Secretary of State will issue an identification number that must be included on all campaign disclosure forms.

Candidates for county offices (excludes judges, school boards and special district boards) must file a Form 410 prior to the acceptance of any campaign contribution totaling $50 or more or the making of any expenditure intended to influence the outcome of any election.

Supervisors, District Attorney, Judges File original and 1 copy with SOS &

1 copy with Elections.

Legislative File original and 1 copy with SOS;






Recipient Committee Campaign Disclosure Statement C Short Form. For use by non-controlled recipient committees formed to support or oppose candidates or measures. File if you have not received a contribution of $100 or more from a single source; have not received any other payment of $100 or more; have no outstanding loans made or received and have no unpaid bills.

Supervisors, District Attorney, Judges File original & 1 copy with Elections;

2 copies with home county if different.

Legislative File original and 1 copy with SOS;

2 copies w/county w/most voters; and

2 copies with home county if different.


Officeholder & Candidate Campaign Statement C Short Form. Officeholders & candidates who do not have a controlled committee and do not anticipate spending or receiving $1,000 or more (including personal funds). Supervisors, District Attorney, Judges File original & 1 copy with Elections;

2 copies w/home county if different.

Legislative File original and 1 copy with SOS;

2 copies w/county w/most voters;

2 copies w/home county if different.



Officeholder, Candidate & Controlled Committee Campaign Statement C Supplement. An officeholder or candidate who has filed Form 470 in connection with an election and subsequently receives contributions totaling $1,000 or more is required to send written notification. The Form 470 Supplement may be used or personal written notification following similar format. Applies to all candidates Must be filed within 48 hours of reaching $1,000 limit with:
  • the Secretary of State,
  • the local filing officer with whom the candidate is required to file originals of his/her campaign statements, and
  • each candidate seeking the same office.

Must be sent by telegram, guaranteed overnight mail, FAX or personal delivery. Regular mail may not be used.


Amendment to Campaign Disclosure Statement. Used to amend campaign disclosure statements 425, 450, 465, 470, 495, 496 and 497. A revised Summary Page should accompany any amendment that changes the cash position for each statement period affected.

There is no deadline for filing; however, all amendments should be filed as soon as practical.

Supervisors, District Attorney, Judges File original & 1 copy with Elections;

2 copies w/home county if different.

Legislative File original and 1 copy with SOS;

2 copies w/county w/most voters;

2 copies w/home county if different.


California Long Form. The three former "long form" campaign reports (Form 419, Form, and Form 490) have been combined into one form for use by all candidates and committees. An amendment box is provided to identify amended filings. Form 405 is not need to amend the Form 460.

Form 460 is used by state and local recipient committees that have filed a Form 410 and have raised or spent $1,000 or more, including personal funds, in a calendar year.

Supervisors, District Attorney, Judges File original & 1 copy with Elections;

2 copies w/home county if different.

Legislative File original and 1 copy with SOS;

2 copies w/county w/most voters;

2 copies w/home county if different.


Supplemental Independent Expenditure Report. Used to provide supplemental disclosure information in the jurisdiction of an election in which the filer has made Aindependent expenditures@ totaling $500 or more to support or oppose a single candidate, a single measure, or the qualification of a single measure.

All File original and 1 copy with SOS;

2 copies w/county w/most voters;

2 copies w/home county if different.


Late Independent Expenditure Report (Revised in 1999). Includes any independent expenditure that totals in the aggregate $1,000 or more, and supports or opposes a single candidate or measure; and is made during the 16 days immediately preceding the election in which the candidate or measure supported or opposed is to be voted upon. Revision adds a requirement that each report include the date and a report number, as well as an amendment identifier.

File within 24 hours of making expenditure.

Supervisors, District Attorney, Judges File original & 1 copy with Elections;

2 copies w/home county if different.

Legislative File original and 1 copy with SOS;

2 copies w/county w/most voters;

2 copies w/home county if different.


Late Contribution Report (Revised 1999). Includes any contribution, including a loan, which totals in the aggregate from a single source $1,000 or more and is made for or against any specific candidate or measure involved in an election before the date of the election but after the closing date of the last campaign statement required to be filed prior to the election by the candidate or by a committee primarily formed to support or oppose the measure. Revision adds a requirement that each report include the date and a report number, as well as an amendment identifier.

File within 24 hours of making contribution.

Supervisors, District Attorney, Judges File original & 1 copy with Elections;

2 copies w/home county if different.

Legislative File original and 1 copy with SOS;

2 copies w/county w/most voters;

2 copies w/home county if different.


Major Donors / Independent Expenditure Committees / Slate Mailer Organizations

The Fair Political Practices Commission also provides the following information Manuals:

  • Manual E is for Major Donor Committees and Independent Expenditure Committees
  • Manual F is for Slate Mailer Organizations

There are additional forms and requirements for these committees and organizations. Please see the Elections Department for more information.

Campaign Disclosures for Federal Candidates

Provisions of the Political Reform Act do not apply to elections for federal offices, including U.S. Senate and U.S. Representative in Congress. Candidates for federal offices and committees that participate in federal campaigns are subject to federal disclosure requirements. Assistance for federal candidates and committees may be obtained from the:

Federal Election Commission
999 E Street, N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20463

Filing is the Responsibility of the Candidate and/or Committee

It is the responsibility of candidates and/or committees to be aware of and to file the required campaign disclosure statements in a correct and timely manner.

Failure to file appropriate statements and reports in compliance with the Political Reform Act can result in substantial criminal, civil and administrative penalties. Failure to file within the prescribed deadlines can lead to late filing penalties of $10 for each day the statement is late.


Multiple Committee Filing Requirements

Whenever a candidate or officeholder has more than one committee, whether the committees are formed for the same office, or a different office in the same jurisdiction, all committees must file statements each time a committee statement is due.

Whenever an elected officeholder in one jurisdiction runs for an elected office in another jurisdiction, the officeholder and all committees he/she controls must file campaign disclosure statements with the filing officer in the jurisdiction in which the officeholder holds office AND in which the officeholder is seeking office.



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