Election Data For Sale From
Santa Cruz County


» YOU WANT IT WHEN? Orders placed by 3:30 p.m. may be picked up at 11:30 a.m. the following business day under normal conditions (excludes labels). If the job cannot be completed by 11:30 a.m. the following business day, customers will be notified.

$$PAYMENT MUST BE MADE IN ADVANCE OF ANY PURCHASE. Candidates may set up an account with the Elections Department by writing a check "Not to Exceed" a certain dollar amount. Purchases will then be subtracted from that amount until the cap is reached. At that time the check will be cashed. If total purchases are less than the amount of the original check, candidates will be asked to write a check for the specific amount due and the original check will be returned.


Walking Lists

These lists are by consolidated voting precinct, in alphabetical order by street, and are available sometime after the 54th day prior to the election and after the 29th day prior to the election. (Elections Code §2184)

Per thousand names 50¢

Printed Voter Indexes by Street or Alpha

Special order computer jobs (other than the 54 or 29-day indexes) can be requested at any time. Indexes can be sorted by street or alphabetical by voter’s name.

First 15,000 names $25
Each additional 1,000 names $1.50

All Other Computer Generated Print Jobs

Any other request for a computer generated print-out, such as a list of streets by district costs:

Per computer job $25
per page over 100 50¢

Voter Lists on 3 ½" Floppy Disk

Voter lists, including names and addresses of voters and voter history, names of voters who have requested absentee ballots, are available on 3 ½" floppy disk.

1 disk $40
Each additional disk $25
Absentee voter lists on disk for five consecutive days $175

Voter Lists on CD

The voter lists described above may be purchased on CD.

Under 50,000 records $50
50,000 to 100,000 records $75
100,000 records or more $100

Voter File Tapes

Voter information from our voter registration file or absentee database is also available on magnetic tape.

Per tape provided by Department $50.00
Per tape provided by the customer $40.00
(Plus postage and handling if applicable.)

Mailing Labels of Voters or Households

Labels can be produced upon request for each voter or household within a district. Orders may select voters registered with one particular party. Labels cost $50 for the first 1,000 voters and $10 for each additional 1,000 voters. IMPORTANT NOTE: LABELS ARE READY 48 HOURS AFTER THE REQUEST IS MADE.

List of Polling Places / List of Candidates on the Ballot

(primary & general elections)

A list of the polling places in an election (ranges from 163 to 170) and a list of candidates names and addresses is available for purchase.

Each list $10


The county Planning Department produces computer-generated maps. Maps are available for purchase or viewing in the Elections Department during regular office hours.

Individual precinct maps: These maps are 81/2" x 11" with one general registration precinct per page. Maps cost $.50 each and 369 maps comprise Santa Cruz County.

Each map 50¢

Supervisorial maps: 11" x 17" map of each supervisorial district.

Each map $2

Countywide and district maps: Various other wall-size maps of districts and the county are also available. Maps measure approximately 33" x 43" .

Each map $13

Daily Absentee Voter Printout

A list of who has requested, issued and then returned a vote-by-mail ballot may be purchased daily.

First page $5
Each additional page 50¢


Copies of candidate’s campaign reporting documents (Forms 410, 460, etc.) are available.

Each page 10¢

An additional $5 retrieval fee is charged if the item requested is more than five (5) years old. (Gov. Code §81008)

Photocopying of all other items:

Each of the first five (5) pages 50¢
Each additional page 10¢

Secretary of State Voter File Tapes

The Secretary of State has voter file tapes available containing names and addresses of registered voters for the State of California. Tapes are available for election purposes only. Contact the Secretary of State at (916) 657-2166 to determine cost and availability.

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