Canvass Updates


Canvass Updates

September 21, 2021

Today we:

  • Added 10,158 ballots to the vote totals.  There are about 2,450 that have gone through signature verification that still need to be processed and added to the totals.  Additional ballots will also be added as the signatures are being cured.  Voters have until October 6 to cure their signatures.
  • Continued to remake ballots that cannot be tabulated due to rips, tears, water damage or other various reasons.
  • Continued to work on Step 1 of the Same Day Registration process.
  • Completed Phase 1 of the 1% Manual Tally.  We will draw more batches to tally once we have completed processing all vote by mail ballots, Same Day Registration ballots and Provisional ballots.  That drawing will occur on October 6 and the manual tally will begin immediately after the drawing.  We will stream the random drawing live.  We will post the link on October 6.

We will make one more vote by mail total update tomorrow and then we will not add to the vote total until September 29 (Same Day Registration, Provisional, cured vote by mail ballots), another on October 6 (Same Day Registration, Provisional, cured vote by mail ballots), with the certified totals on October 8.

September 20, 2021

Today we:

  • Added 6,700 ballots to the vote totals.
  • Completed the signature verification process for all the 30,000+ vote by mail ballots that were received in the mail or at the in-person voting locations on Election Day.  
  • Completed the signature verification process for the vote by mail ballots that were postmarked by September 14 and the vote by mail ballots that were returned to another California county by 8pm on September 14.
  • Continued to remake ballots that cannot be tabulated due to rips, tears, water damage or other various reasons.
  • Continued to work on Step 1 of the Same Day Registration process.
  • Began the 1% manual tally.

Any vote by mail ballots that were postmarked on or before September 14 received tomorrow will be considered timely and will be added to the vote totals.

There are around 2500 vote by mail ballots that are currently in review for signature issues.  Signatures go through a multi-level process of review and voters are notified if there is a challenge.  Any voter who has a challenged envelope due to a non-comparing signature or missing signature will have until October 6 to provide a signature.

September 17, 2021

Today we:

  • Added 9,737 ballots to the vote totals.
  • Continued to work on Step 1 of the Same Day Registration process.
  • Continued to remake ballots that were unable to be tabulated because of rips, tears, water damaged, and other various reasons.

We will not be working over this weekend in order to get some well deserved and much needed rest.  We will continue with the canvass on Monday and will do another vote total update around 5pm.

September 16, 2021

Today we:

  • Approximately 34,000 vote by mail ballot envelopes were turned in at the voting locations or have been received in the mail.  Most have been through signature verification and are now being extracted and prepared for tabulation.
  • Added 7,485 ballots to the vote totals.
  • Began to process the 620 Same Day Voter Registration envelopes. 
    • Step 1 - input the voter registration data.  We expect that step to take up to 5 days. 
    • Step 2 - review the participation history to determine eligibility.  We expect that step to take up to 5 days.
    • Step 3 - if eligible, extract the ballot from the envelope and prepare for tally.  We expect to add to the vote totals all eligible Same Day Registration ballots the week of October 4.
  • Continued to remake ballots that were unable to be tabulated because of rips, tears, coffee stains, or other various reasons. Ongoing activity.

We anticipate to update the vote totals again tomorrow, Friday September 17, around 4pm.